There are so many things ‘out there’ when you start looking around. It is so easy to get caught up in this or that. You start thinking… I can do that! Or, wow, that looks cool, how do I measure up? During a time of transition, it is easy to get off course, especially when you don’t have a clear ending point or goal. I find that I have a general direction and I have long-term things I want to accomplish but I don’t have the “hows” all figured out. I have learned to be okay with that AND to let things manifest. To be aware of them and to act on them when they show up. 

It may sound maddening and even as I type it, it sounds a little like crazy talk but it’s true. The less I have tried to control things and work out every detail the more things (opportunities, realizations, and epiphanies) have presented themselves. And every time it is becoming easier and easier to trust myself to act on them.

I have rounded a year in my second career phase (my first one ended on October 31, 2019, when I retired from public service work after nearly 30 years). I have often felt so lost and equally as often I have felt sure of my next steps, it all depended on the day, sometimes on the hour. Early on, I made a proclamation, to whoever was open to hearing it… “Allow me the grace and awareness to recognize things when they appear and the wisdom to act on them.” 

I go through phases when I remember this wholeheartedly and then others when it is the furthest thing from my mind. But the one thing I have realized is when I stop all the monkeys in my mind and just slow down and be human, things happen. Opportunities present themselves, I meet people I hadn’t seen in years and we have conversations that affirm thought or ideas that I’ve been pondering. These are the affirmations I asked to come into my world and my realization of them is the answer to my proclamation. 

Many times I have to remind myself to get out of my own way and let things be. So my challenge to you is to find the awareness to know when you are getting in your own way. To realize when you are fighting against a thing that is trying to emerge in your life. To accept it, act on it and bask in the emotions that it will bring. The emotion that will probably come first is fear, simply because this is a new action you will be taking but I bet that very quickly, excitement, enthusiasm and probably some anxiety will come along too… all of these are signs that you are on the right track!

I urge you to keep, keeping on! Believe in yourself and know that more things in this world are on your side than things that are against you. Trust. Believe. Act. 



I’m on a Journey. Come with me.