“We need to talk to people
in a way they’ll listen.”
“We have so many players but it’s not organized. I need someone I can trust leading this, someone I know will follow through with high standards. You are that person. Do you want to jump into the crazy? We are all tired. We have been running at full steam for months and we are on the verge of burnout. It’s a lot of work.” The landscape is constantly changing. The virus is changing, science is being discovered day-to-day and we need to be responsive with the information we have each day. The network is large and needs to be streamlined and tracked to ensure accuracy.
Assess the Situation: Gain an understanding of resources in place. Determine how best to optimize what each has to offer. Strategically thinking of innovative solutions within a highly politicized landscape/structure.
Define the Goal: Build trust to increase testing and vaccinations Define commonalities and focus on those, directly and efficiently. Determine that personalized, community messengers are the most effective means of reaching people.
Trusted Voices is born!
Develop a structure that is adaptable to landscape changes, solid framework, easily adaptable content.
Source and implement a project management system to create a visual of the live workflow (Trello).
Engagement of partners within major sectors, “Industry Champions,” dependent on the phase of deployment (vaccine distribution), beginning with medical professionals, faith-based leaders, municipal officials, higher education, and now into secondary education. Soon to include artists and business owners.
Positive engagement from each industry.
Increased number of registrants for the COVID vaccine.