“We don’t know where to start.”
“We have this project that we need to do and we don’t know where to start. This isn’t what we do. We need someone to take this on for us so we are in compliance.” Sandoval County residents are not completing and submitting their 2020 Census data. County services that affect residents’ health and well-being depend on census data to qualify for federal program subsidies.
Assess the Situation: Start from scratch to understand the goals and situation dynamics. Identify the gap between the current situation and desired outcomes.
Define the Goal: Define outcomes for rural communities and urban communities. Develop strategies for each.
Rural - access through food pantry distribution of branded grocery bags along with flyers. This serves a community deeply impacted by pandemic. Urban - purchase gift cards from vulnerable, local, small businesses. Partner with a highly trusted Chamber of Commerce to identify such businesses. Create a toolkit for participating businesses based on a shared understanding that they know their business, but not marketing or outreach. Build an online contest for Sandoval County residents to win a gift card from these local businesses once they’ve submitted their census.
Reached established County response rate goal!
Provided necessary economic support for 30+ local businesses
Provided necessary economic support for local food pantries